183. Dash (poem)

~ Written by Danielle N Bilski ~

Finishing first,
may be worth,
life seen,
in patterns,
between goal lines.
Our dash,
from creation,
with elements,
of earth,
and ash.
like supernova,
in a matter,
of moments,
is all over.
What if,
I told you,
there is no,
to rush.
Savour me,
I am precious,
will ever be enough.
We return,
over again,
to every lesson,
we have not realised.
Infinite dreams,
in different lifetimes,
our souls,
dashing lights.
I recognise you,
every time,
and how ever,
we will meet.
Stories to share,
love to unleash,
space to create,
a dash cannot capture,

©2023 Danielle N Bilski

182. Halycon paragons (poem)

~ Written by Danielle N Bilski ~

Halcyon paragons
I keep my third eye
on my halcyon paragons
guiding to serenity
where treasures are buried
like artefacts
preserved for searching souls
who uncover wisdom
kept for centuries
by the masters –
our earth mothers
and fore-fathers.

I feel awareness
expanding every day
clearing the space
of distractions
those mindless
egoic reactions.
I need to find
the places
they lead me
being awake
can seem
like a dream.

. . . . in progress . . . .

©2023 Danielle N Bilski

181. Unspoken (poem)

~ Written by Danielle N Bilski ~

I like to imagine,
there is an abundance
of all unspoken love,
never shown
or known, unequivocally.

I, too, wonder why
selfish desires
are pursued with such ease,
though we shy away
from loving
every living being, unconditionally.

Moments pass –
impermanent –
as we chase
elusive pleasures
of longevity.

Only love,
even unspoken,
lingers within
and without us,

To you – you beautiful being:
please keep being kind,
to yourself and every soul you meet.
As we all grow together,
have faith with me,
love will find all of us, eventually.

©2023 Danielle N Bilski

180. Light keepers (poem)

~ Written by Danielle N Bilski ~

Light keepers
of precious energy
carry love in their hearts,
as the world
witnesses humanity
tear itself apart.
Swallowing conflict
and fear
darkness is heavy around
deep sleepers,
while I am attracted
to light keepers,
baring their souls
so lost ones are found.

. . . . in progress . . . .

©2023 Danielle N Bilski

178. Too (poem)

~ Written by Danielle N Bilski ~

We can be grateful for all we have,
and strive to become the best we can,
Laugh until our stomach hurts and tears fill our eyes,
but know how salty sad tears taste; feel streaming down our burning face,
We can move away, start new lives,
and still miss having family by our side,
We care for ourselves in many more ways now,
while our love for others is deep and infinite,

. . . . in progress . . . .

©2023 Danielle N Bilski

177. Dreamer (poem)

~ Written by Danielle N Bilski ~

I dream every night
vivid experiences
manifesting people and places
thoughts and beliefs
from my waking life.
I make choices
knowing I am in control
with confidence and conviction
guided by my moral compass
like an eternal light.
I wonder
whether I would prefer
to sleep with an empty mind
and then I remember
the gift of being a dreamer
with an imagination full of possibilities
I discover parts of myself
someone else might not ever find.

. . . . in progress . . . .

©2023 Danielle N Bilski

176. Wilderness (poem)

~ Written by Danielle N Bilski ~

Wilderness –
uncharted terrain
of a conscious mind –
dynamic weather
from stillness and sunshine
to an avalanche during a blizzard.
Barren and blistered
meets dense bushland
vast and infinite,
until a dark cave entices
away from the light.
Predators sense your fear –
a primal instinct freezes, flies
or fights.
Pieces severed are discarded,
swallowed by spirit
surviving on torment.
Lush green solitude,
warmth shimmering,
a kaleidoscopic view.
Or scorched ashes,
toxic fumes
which one is the illusion.

. . . . in progress . . . .

©2023 Danielle N Bilski

175. Honest (poem)

~ Written by Danielle N Bilski ~

When I am honest
with myself
it is like the whole world
is a mirror
reflecting back at me.
A moment filled
with objects and faces
light and shadows
I often interpret
Our mind
capable of profound precision
is also manipulative
a calculating,
veritable liar.
opposes thorough inspection,
so, here I will share
my bare soul
as a writer.

. . . . in progress . . . .

©2023 Danielle N Bilski