64. Pure intention

~ Written by Danielle N. Bilski ~

Today is the first official day of the new study period for the two open learning university subjects that I am taking towards gaining the elusive Arts degree that I have been chasing for many years. I accessed my study material and online portal this morning and have a clear understanding of what is expected of me, forthcoming assessments and the weekly study topics. I have a lot of reading to do, but not surprising for those who know me, I couldn’t be happier than I am right now, faced with this current prospect. I have already completed seven lectures out of the recorded twelve for my Literature unit that I received in the mail a month ago and I have read two of the compulsory six texts we are studying over the next thirteen weeks, which I have pleasantly realised has already set me in a significantly comfortable position when it comes to being prepared for the weekly topics that are upcoming. I managed to borrow all of the texts from my local library, which has been extremely helpful and cost effective. Another advantage is that I am able to add each text I complete as part of this unit to my consistently growing list of books read this year, which count towards the target of twenty five that I set myself at the beginning of the year. On Sunday I was able to add ‘Regeneration’ by Pat Barker to that list, which takes the current total to 17.

Today is also Michael Jackson’s birthday! He would have been 53 today!
I love you more and miss you always xxx
My constant inspiration.
You are never forgotten.
Rest in peace

Today is the first day of a new beginning for me and my education. The fact that it coincides with Michael’s birthday I think is no coincidence. With pure intention, Michael has shown me that anything is possible through perseverance and honesty with others and yourself and making a positive contribution to the world. Here’s to knowledge, my time with you and Michael.

My time with you.

©2011 Danielle N. Bilski

63. Happy 2nd Birthday MTWYcomau!

~Written by Danielle N. Bilski ~

Two years ago, I was renewed with hope and a sense of fulfillment by instigating the beginning of something that would allow me to express the things that make me unique and meaningful. It was incredible how one domain name in my name opened up a space where I could be exactly who I am and share that in a way that gave me purpose and a continuous source of internal power and self-validation. I didn’t know whether anyone else would read it, see it, care about it the way I have, but I was alright with that. It wasn’t specifically about me proving anything to anyone. It was more simply about me proving to myself that I could accomplish something from my own efforts, without the fear of it being critiqued, devalued or represented as being created for a superficial, self-indulgent purpose.

From the very beginning I hoped that anyone who did read any of my words would feel inspired and empowered to pursue their own dreams and discover their own value with the confidence to be exactly who they are, no questions asked. To take the leap of faith that they would make their dreams a reality if they believed in them enough to make the realistic sacrifices necessary to allow the process to begin. Over the first few months as mytimewithyou.com.au began to reveal its own potential to me, it grew to be a series of moments that we shared with one another, connected through words, despite being in different physical spaces. A place where, although I may not know exactly who I am talking to, whoever chose to read my words felt that I was talking to them in a personal and sincere way. The spirit of the pieces became the core that I crafted them around. There was a consistency and steady pace that developed in a way that only time and concentrated determination could reveal.

Twenty four months, seven hundred and thirty days or 62 blog posts later, I am bursting with pride and appreciation of being able to relive this journey with you today and in the gift of every tomorrow to come. The last six months especially have been a time where I have had a considerable amount of doubt about myself and my abilities and at times felt that I am not accomplishing as much progress as I have in the past or expect of myself to do. However, while there have been less blog posts and perhaps less words of the manuscript written compared to this time last year, I have instead been reading more books than I ever have in such a short period of time to gain knowledge and inspiration as well as a lot of spent in self-reflection, putting this project into perspective as a vital part of my life, while allowing time to live without such immense pressure and expectation on myself to get to the end of it so quickly.

I have had to let myself be a writer. Allow myself the time and space to think and to feel free, empowered and inspired enough to expose my potential in a vulnerable and delicate way. I constantly struggle with my internal instinct to be someone who fits into the ideal roles that I have learned to consider important and the realisation that being true to myself is more important than anything. I have learned that I am no longer willing to sacrifice my dreams  in order to be what I think I am expected to be. I hope that the last two years and all of the words I have written are a testament to the fact that the dreams that I have pursued and brought to fruition were not done in vain. May each step of this journey show that the way we choose to spend our time is no one else’s choice but our own and that while it is important to continue looking forward, it is also beneficial to appreciate the moments that lead you to where you are now and use them in a positive way.

In a way, I guess this is developing like a human life. The first year was the overwhelming beginning of something new and it required a lot of nurturing and crafting to begin revealing its unique identity. This second year has been one of choices about the future and the commitment to keep it alive by investing time in learning more in order to give it the best chance to reach its potential and high expectations there are for it. As we head into the third year, I hope to continue nurturing, learning and appreciating every moment of this life that has been created out of words and look forward to witnessing it grow, while being able to look at the snapshots in the album that this website has captured of the progress.

A sincere and heart-felt thank you to everyone who has read my words and chosen to spend time with me over the last two years. As we step into tomorrow together, not knowing what it may hold, may it be with hope and faith in ourselves and others and ultimately an appreciation of time as a delicate and precious gift that is a blank canvas of endless possibilities until it comes to pass.

Living every moment with you,

©2011 Danielle N. Bilski

62. Read well, write well

~ Written by Danielle N. Bilski ~

At the beginning of this year I set myself a challenge to finish twenty five books in twelve months. As a writer, I have come to appreciate the level of importance of reading books, not simply for enjoyment but to also learn from the ways the author develops the narrative, plot, genre, characters, themes and language style to a publishable standard.

I have kept a comprehensive record of the books that I have completed, some with more detailed notes that I found useful and/or thoroughly poignant about the story or significant events in the novel.

The books I have completed so far are from a range of genres, from drama to mystery and fantasy, to non-fiction. I have learned a lot of from every one of them, including the different ways a story can be told through words on a page.

I have also recorded the date I began reading each piece and the date of completion. Over the last 7 months (January – July) I have noticed a major increase in the speed that I am able to finish a book with each one having an average of 400 pages.

1.    Benang: From the heart – Kim Scott     (approx 2 months)
2.    Angels and Demons – Dan Brown         (11 weeks)
3.    Buddhism for busy people – David Michie     (3 days)
4.    Dead until dark – Charlaine Harris        (4 days)
5.    Living dead in Dallas – Charlaine Harris    (7 days)
6.    Club dead – Charlaine Harris        (3 days)
7.    Dead to the world – Charlaine Harris    (4 days)
8.    Dead as a doornail – Charlaine Harris    (4 days)
9.    Definitely dead – Charlaine Harris        (15 days)
10.    Second Glance – Jodi Picoult        (15 days)
11.    Sing you home  – Jodi Picoult        (9 days)
12.    Change of heart – Jodi Picoult        (approx 1 month – notes made throughout entire copy)
13.    Picture Perfect – Jodi Picoult        (6 days)
14.    The Carrie Diaries – Candace Bushnell    (4 days)
15.    Summer and the city – Candace Bushnell    (7 days)
16.    Troilus and Cressida – William Shakespeare (6 days)

‘Change of heart’ by Jodi Picoult is a novel that I managed to accumulate two copies of and I decided to take advantage of being able to make detailed notes directly on each page as I read it. Of course it took longer for me to complete the book, however it was an effective exercise which I can always use as a reference as I continue writing and crafting “My time with you’.

In the past I have enjoyed reading, however I have never dedicated as much time to the practice as I have this year and it has definitely allowed me to improve my writing and imagination by being able to escape to the worlds these writer’s have so beautifully created where I am inspired to treat my own with the same level of excitement and enthusiasm.

I have started reading a number of other texts which I look forward to adding to my ‘completed’ list before the end of the year.

The pieces in progress include:

–    Anna Karenina (Book 5/8) – Leo Tolstoy
–    The End of Poverty – Jeffrey Sachs
–    Othello – William Shakespeare
–    Mercy – Jodi Picoult
–    The Mystic Foundation – Christopher Penczak
–    The Rough Guide to Ethical Living – Duncan Clark
–    Dear John – Nicholas Sparks

Also, an update on my course which officially begins at the end of August. I received the unit material in the mail a few weeks ago and decided to get a head start on the lectures and readings. Last week I listened to the first lecture and keep comprehensive notes about the introductory elements that will be studied in further detail throughout the course of the 13 weeks of lectures. This week I finished reading one of the more difficult texts of the unit; ‘Troilus and Cressida’ a play by William Shakespeare inspired by the battle of Troy. It took me six days to complete and  I have also listened and made details notes from the first of two, hour long lectures exploring and strategies that can be used to effectively analyse the play and other plays in general.

Although the study period for this unit has not yet officially begun, getting a head-start has made me feel very fulfilled and has already shown me that I am on the right track. It is unfortunate that I did not choose to study English literature at a tertiary level since leaving high school, until now as it feels like a glove that was made especially for me. However, I can see that in the bigger picture that I have had to experience what I have and make the choices that I did in order to really appreciate this opportunity to learn more about a subject that I am already passionate about and am practicing.  Things I have heard in the lectures I have already listened to validate things that I have already learned studying a Diploma of Arts (Professional Writing and Editing), at other universities that I have studied other majors at including media and communication studies and from my own development through reading and managing the process of writing this ‘My time with you’ manuscript. It is more that invaluable for a writer to learn about other writers and artists in order to formally educate you to becoming the best possibly writer you can be when it comes to your own projects. This is the right time and the right place for me to be studying on my terms with specific relevance to what I am already pursuing as a career. Many people choose a course in the hope of becoming the professional equivalent of what they are studying. I am fortunate enough to be able to say that I am already a writer and I have made conscious decision to return to tertiary study in order to gain a higher qualification and help me become a better version of what I have already chosen to be.

It may seem like I have gone the long way around, however I believe that I have been where I needed to go before I could comfortably be where I am now am. Live is a lesson and a journey (or many smaller trips) to get to where you are meant to be at the time you are meant to arrive. I am constantly learning and I hope to continue sharing these significant times with you.

Learn everything you can about the thing you love and then find your own way to make it matter,

My time with you

©2011 Danielle N. Bilski