233. Cocoon

~ Written by Danielle N Bilski ~


Look at me now:
I am outside of the cocoon
I built around myself.
There is an opening I crawled through
and I can see the space I was limited to
as I grew my wings.
I have no desire to go back inside that darkness:
unheard, unseen, unknown,
now I am free and thriving.
Rediscovering this world on my own,
I am hesitant to fly too far,
until I have regained my self-trust.
A slight breeze startles me,
this delicate heart,
as I strive to be recognised.
For I am more than beauty,
as one of many
and one-of-a-kind too.
I am transformed
and I have immense gratitude,
this cocoon ensured my safety.
Until I learned what I truly am,
and understood this butterfly effect
I was born to release.

©2024 Danielle N Bilski

232. Cascade of contemplations

~ Written by Danielle N Bilski ~

Cascade of contemplations

thoughts gently cascade
in a mindful soliloquy
of gorgeous melodic segue.

thoughts impatiently intrude
in a fragmented feud
of formidable belligerent views.

this continuum of contemplations
allows us to explore the nuances
of our humanness.

©2024 Danielle N Bilski

231. The Precious Imperfects

~ Written by Danielle N Bilski ~

The Precious Imperfects

We are worthy and we are imperfect.
We are complete and we need to be connected.
Our brains are the same and they are all uniquely wired.
We can show up every day and still be carrying immense pain inside.
We can be generous to others and make sure our own needs are met.
We remember the smallest details and there are things we would prefer to forget.
We can see something through and also not want it to ever truly end.
We are the Precious Imperfects and I love you exactly as you are,
my incomparable friends.

©2024 Danielle N Bilski

230. Heartbeats and milestones

~ Written by Danielle N Bilski ~

Heartbeats and milestones

You see, maybe it is simple:
we are heartbeats
travelling between milestones.

We all carry
our own melody inside,
taking our time between miles,
not knowing which will be
the last we complete,
before we must leave
the eventual silence and space,
following our life erase.

Every breathe should be deliberate,
held for precious seconds,
while we create an abundance of memories,
that are felt so deeply,
to widely scatter our milestones
through many other lives,
and ensure our loving hearts
long outlive their final beats.

©2024 Danielle N Bilski

229. Vortex

~ Written by Danielle N Bilski ~


The heart fell.
The heart fell off the door this morning.
This morning, the wooden heart fell off the door into the hallway.
She found the wooden heart on the floor.
She did not know it had been covering the hole.
The heart on the floor is not covering the hole in the door anymore.
The hole in the door is a vortex of generational trauma.
The vortex in the door cannot be disguised by a wooden heart anymore.
The hole was made with sheer force accumulated and deregulated, before she was created.
From before she was created, noone closed the vortex.
They do not live there anymore and do not have to face that door.
How does she now constantly pass that door, holding the heart she picked up off the hallway floor, without letting the vortex consume them: her and her own heart?
It is time to replace that door. That is her choice.

©2024 Danielle N Bilski

228. Inkling

~ Written by Danielle N Bilski ~


Compared to the greatest writers we all revere, I am a hint: an inkling. Ideas I write about are not previously unwritten or unread a million times by humans who have thought, felt or said them in their own way. I express my own truth as a connection to you, and to me, and to this infinite divinity we all embody for a finite blink. Words carry us through moments, meaning everything to us and immediately become a fleeting beat to nothingness. I hope my words offering you an inkling of love transcend, reaching you for a little while, somehow.

©2024 Danielle N Bilski

227. Page unknown

~ Written by Danielle N Bilski ~

Page unknown

The page I am living now is not numbered and I am not sure where I am up to in this story. A major plot twist has left me processing everything in a disjointed scattering of letters. None of the words I recognise are making sense in the way they are arranged. I am overwhelmed by a wave of emotion whenever I attempt to change anything.

I have been persevering on my own for so long, it is a different kind of existence in this familiar setting where I grew from. Returning, I am a character who has survived the author’s insistent tension, facing resistance like a mad professor testing out a brand new invention.

Today, sitting outdoors at a cafe in a bustling shopping centre arcade, a mint coloured mug full of a sweetened hot oat milk latte serves me a stillness to wonder about other characters around me, starring in their own narratives, as equally curious as mine. I am both anxious and humbled, as none of us can know anything more than our experiences have shown us to be true, until we arrive in our own versions of tomorrow.

Maybe we are always on a page unknown, and that is by design, to keep us growing at every turn and when we look back at what we learned, the book is written and ready to be reread, understanding where this present page fits, will be with the gift of time for a wiser perspective.

Until then, I believe our purpose is to do the best we can, as good exposition for the pages that follow on next, without reading too far ahead and without knowing how it ends. I consider that unknown inevitability, a blessing.

226. Matter trap

~ Written by Danielle N Bilski ~

Matter trap

We are conditioned, from the beginning, to value the physical, at the expense of the intellectual, mental and spiritual. Someone is always selling something to you, in this matter trap.

. . . . in progress . . . .

©2024 Danielle N Bilski

225. Mind mining

~ Written by Danielle N Bilski ~

Mind mining

I have been imagining the human mind is like a mine. It is a fascinating excavation. Especially being conscious of its consciousness and able to observe subjectively and objectively whatever is perceived, deeply and unseen.

. . . . in progress . . . .

©2024 Danielle N Bilski

224. Fireside friend

~ Written by Danielle N Bilski ~

Fireside friend

My true friend,

It was you, who was there by the fireside, covered in ashes, guiding me to safety.

While I was in shock, you were the one who showed immense bravery, you saved me and this is a way, to acknowledge your generosity.

From further away they watched, and did not know the extent of damage, or how to help, as everything had begun to crumble, shatter and melt.

You did not hesitate though, to instill such courage in me I needed, for gathering and protecting, all of the most valuable pieces of myself.

Thank you for staying close by, glowing brighter than the flames that engulfed my life, showing me the phoenix I can be, now rising stronger and flying free.

Guiding me to safety, covered in ashes, I always knew you were there by the fireside, and I am grateful to you every day, as I live and breathe again.


your Fireside Friend.

©2024 Danielle N Bilski

A writer's journey through life and words